
Flac beatunes
Flac beatunes

flac beatunes


Click OK in the Windows Features window start the Windows Media Player install process.In the Windows Features window, scroll down to the Media Features folder, and check its box.

flac beatunes

After your computer has restarted, open the Windows Features utility again by pressing Windows key+ R to open the Run window, typing optionalfeatures, and pressing Enter.

flac beatunes

Restart your computer for the uninstall to fully take effect.Click the Close button, which closes both Windows Features windows. When the uninstall process is complete, the message "Windows completed the requested changes" is displayed. A second Windows Features window opens, showing a progress bar.Click OK in the Windows Features window to start the Windows Media Player uninstall process.In the Windows Features window, scroll down to the Media Features folder, and uncheck its box.In the Run window, type optionalfeatures and press Enter.Press the Windows key+ R to open the Run window.The next step is to uninstall and reinstall Windows Media Player. Uninstall and reinstall Windows Media Player Open the new WMP backup folder and press Ctrl+ V to paste the files from step 3 into the folder.


  • How to quickly get to the Windows desktop.
  • Go to the Windows desktop and create a new folder named "WMP backup.".
  • In the Media Player folder, press Ctrl+ A, then press Ctrl+ C to select and copy all the files and subfolders.
  • If you do not see the "AppData" folder, you need to adjust the folder settings to show hidden files and folders, see: How to view hidden files and folders in Windows. To back up your playlists and configuration settings, follow the steps below. If you don't, your playlists and custom configuration settings are lost as part of the repair process. If you have playlists or other custom configuration settings in Windows Media Player, you first need to back up those playlists and settings. Back up Windows Media Player playlists and configuration settings To fix the "Server execution failed " error for Windows Media Player, follow the steps in each section below. The error is usually due to corruption with the Windows Media Player program files or the codecs for playing audio files. Unfortunately, Windows updates or issues related to Windows Media Player or audio codecs can result in seeing the "Server execution failed" error when trying to play an audio file. When you double-click an audio file, Windows Media Player automatically opens and starts to play it. Windows Media Player is the default software STUFF on a Windows computer for playing audio files, including MP3 and WAV.

    Flac beatunes